Surprises in North Carolina

Surprises in North Carolina
Discovering Local Honey and Beekeeping in Wilmington, NC | Lorob Bees

Discovering Local Honey and Beekeeping in Wilmington, NC

Running Lorob Bees with my family has been an incredible journey. It keeps us busy, and sometimes we don't get as much time to relax or take vacations as we’d like. But recently, my wife convinced me to take a short trip from Sunday to Wednesday to Wilmington, North Carolina.

We’ve been working on some exciting things behind the scenes at Lorob Bees, so this mini-getaway was much needed. My mom kindly agreed to hold down the fort while we were gone, giving us a chance to unwind.

We started the trip with a half-day fishing charter just outside the inlet. The sunrise was beautiful, and we had lines in the water, enjoying each other's company even though the bite was slow. Then, in a strange turn of events, I felt something crawling on my neck—it was a honey bee! As a beekeeper, I immediately recognized it but, unfortunately, not before it stung me. And, of course, I didn’t have my EpiPen on hand.

As you can see, I swelled up pretty good, but the irony of being stung by a honey bee while on a fishing trip wasn’t lost on me. After snapping a picture of the bee, it flew away, only for another one to buzz around me a few minutes later. It seems the bees knew I was in town!

Later in the trip, I decided to hunt down some local honey. I enjoy sampling honey from different regions because of the unique flavor profiles. After a quick search, I found a local beekeeping business called Pine Grove Bee Works.

I reached out via text, per her website, and mentioned that I was from Lorob Bees. She was excited to hear from me and told me she’d bought one of our oxalic acid vaporizers and loved it! We arranged to meet up so I could pick up some honey.

When I arrived at Pine Grove Bee Works, I was greeted by an amazing woman who runs around 30 hives. We hit it off right away, talking about bees and all the nuances of beekeeping. She let me sample some of her incredible creamed honey, and my wife and I were blown away by the distinct flavors. Her varieties included cinnamon, lemon drop, and even pumpkin spice. The texture and richness were outstanding!

If you're ever in the Wilmington, NC area, and looking for top-quality local honey and bee products, I highly recommend checking out Pine Grove Bee Works. Just make sure to reach out before you visit—she’s quick to respond via text.

This experience was another reminder of how far we’ve come in the beekeeping world. Just a few years ago, I was focused on expanding my hives, but today, Lorob Bees helps beekeepers across the country keep their hives healthy with our oxalic acid vaporizers. I’m always humbled and honored that so many beekeepers trust our products with their bees. Meeting fellow beekeepers like her, who are passionate about their craft, brings the journey full circle.